Friday, July 24, 2015

Barnes, Mark Role Reversal

Ch 1 Rebelling against traditional methods

p. 12 First day Introduce ROLE..Who loves homework? taking notes from textbook?tests? rules? ordered around?

17 menu unit

Ch 2 tapping into intrinsic motivation

20 intrinsic motivation must be taught
create student websites

22 year long projects

Reading All Year  RAY read 25 books, give book talks, reflections etc.  Set goals, celebrate success, state value of learning activity

Year long project #2--Diary project
Students pick a time period in history, create a fictional person who lives in that time,  research lives, living conditions, and anything else to round out their information. Write a diary from the perspective of the character
mini lessons  about standards of writing
ongoing feedback from students and teacher for editing, revising, developing--2-3 weeks of intense workshop

25 “empower students to take charge of their learning and measure their own success”

Ch 3 letting go of homework and worksheets

36 Worksheet test--
1. does it come from a book that has “workbook” or “lesson” in the title?
2. copied from a textbook
3. look like multiple choice
4. copy info from text to fill spaces
5. ever called activity “worksheet”

If answer to any q is yes then it’s a worksheet

First goal of ROLE create sense of autonomy

35 ROLE strategies--paired analysis, student directed concept checks, small group discussions

37 Mark forget  MAX teaching--collaboration and summarizing to improve learning.

Stephen Krashen wide exposure to books and intense individual reading dramatically increase literacy skills

Intense voluntary, independent reading eliminates need for worksheets and workbooks

Mini-lessons in ROLE--videos, podcasts, screencasts, social media, webtools to learn literary terms--begins with a list of words on classroom website

find definitions using any means they want to

apply what is learned to year-long projects--learning less compartmentalized

Ch 4 Teaching the ROLE way
 43  5 Strategies
1. year long project--subject related and can incorporate mini lessons throughout the year

44 celebrate projects

freedom of choice

coach intrinsic motivation

set long term goals and value production

goals relevant to student needs and desires

Diigo--webtool to show understanding

45 Year long Project guidelines

overview-- to supplement books read for 2500 book challenge,  read articles, blogs, which relate to topics, themes or characters in your books, share content

Your task--each book, find 1 relevant  article.  Annotate--give a brief summary--explain how article relates to the book.

Project Steps
1. find articles related to your book.  Read entire article
2. after find article--copy web address, paste into class forum,
3. read, bookmark and annotate at least 1 article for each book

46 discuss structure
    read all class novel, discuss structure
menu unit for students to show what they know

48 Year long project Menu

Character and setting
  • create post it wall using wellwisher where at least 9 characters interact--dialogue connects characters
  • use glogster, automatoon for poster with 9 characters use drawing or graphic + sentences describing role
  • create character activity

Conflict and theme
  • create 1 or more videos/movies using youtube, animoto, xtranormal to clearly show conflicts and resolution + key lessons in 3 books videos information should be combo of pictures, video, text
  • series of 3 or more podcasts to show conflicts, resolution, key lessons--podcasts can be character interviews, additional chapters, or some other important thing
  • review book--tell about conflicts, resolution, key life lessons

You and your books
  • Using fav. web tool, musical instrument, poster etc. create something not related to book structure but connects to any book you have read or are reading this qtr. Why is the book important, why will you remember it forever.  be creative
    • song  ujam or other mixing tool
    • add achapter
    • poem
    • 1 act play
    • monologue from characters pt of view
    • interview an author
    • own idea
All year long projects perfect for sub teacher

49 Strategy 2--Talk Less
50 common core state standards mastered during year long project

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Pink, Daniel To Sell is Human

Pink D. H. To Sell is human

123  rejection generator project
149  beth kantor org/content-curation-101
82 20 slides 20 seconds each

145 Pantalon, Michael Instant Influence
118  Barbara Fredrickson  Positivity: Top-Notch Research Reveals the 3 to 1 Ratio that will change your life
120 SEligman, Martin, Learned Optimism: How to change your mind and your life
195 Fischer, Roger  Getting to Yes--influential book about negotiation

118  3 to 1
117 "Can I build it?"
132 problem ID
147-8  Irrational questions

Part One Rebirth of a Salesman
Ch 1 We're All in sales Now
Ch2 Entrepreneurship, Elasticity and Ed-Med
26 Pixar pitch  short summary of point trying to make in narrative structure of pixar movie--once upon  a time...

32 Atlassian  Seth Godin or Pink Drive connection--everyone is a sales person

Ch 3 From Caveat Emptor to Caveat Venditor
Part Two: How to Be
Ch 4 Attunement
68  A,B,C Attunement, Buoyancy, Clarity

69 E test  with dominant hand draw  capital e on your forehead.  If you draw it  so that you can read it vs so the other person can read it--tells how we perceive a situation when we first encounter it. Do we step outside of our selves or do we only see things from our perspective?

71 increase power by reducing it 2 groups 1 group did series of exercies that  increased feelings of power other did exercises to emphasize their lack of pwer. high power drew self oriented E than other E

73 Empathsizers struck many more deals than powerful group perspective takers did even better  76% made a deal that worked well for both sides

74  Taking the perspective of the opponent produced greatest gains

75  Influence  waiters  "having eyes" or "reading a table"allows a server to quickly figure out group dynamics--"social cartography" -- size up a situation and draw a map as to how people are related.

76 Mimic strategically--subtly mimic body language do not make it obvious so the other person notices what you are doing also don't concentrate on it to the point where you lose track of what the other person is saying

87  Where are you from?  conversation starter

88 Practice strategic mimicry--Seth godin new book canary Icarus Deception--Watch, wait, mimic, wane

91  Conversation with a time traveler--talk to people and ask them to think of items that people from 300 years ago would not recognize. Split into pairs 1 person is a person from the 1700s other person is current and has to explain the item, and its use.

94 Mirror, Mirror
    partners--stand face to face for 30 seconds, turn around so you are back to back
     When turn back around, one person changes one thing
      turn back around and see if you or partner can tell what changed
     repeat 2x with same person.

95 Robert Cialdini  connection to Influence--people most likely to be persuaded by people whom we like and are like us

Ch 5 Buoyancy

101 "can we fix it?" most effective self talk is asking questions--1st Interrogative elicits answers--2 nd people more likely to act when motivation comes from intrinsic rather than extrinsic

104 Positivity--people who hear positive inflected pitch were twice as likely to accept the deal as those who heard a neg

106  Neg emotions help us see trees pos help us see forests

       You have to believe in the product you are selling--believing leader to deeper understanding allow you to have better match with what others need
        Inserting mild profanity like "damn" into speech increases persuasiveness and increases listeners perception of speaker's intensity.  

107  3 to 1 positive comments to negative

     Positive emotions--amusement, awe, compassion, contentment, gratitude, hope, interest, joy, love, pride, and sexual desire.
     Negative emotions--anger, contempt, disgust, embarrassment, fear, guilt, sadness, and shame

109  Martin Seligman  positive psychology

117  Pose question  can I do it?  list 5 reasons why the answer is yes. Reasons will remind of strategies you'll need to be effective on the task. Q 2

118  Barbara Fredrickson  

119  Bad events happen--Q1 Is this permanent?  Q2 Is this pervasive?  Q3  Is this personal?

122 Send yourself a rejection letter

Ch6 Clarity

129 Discovery and creation of problems sets creative person apart
      Sort through vast amounts of info from multiple disciplines experiment with different approaches and be willing to switch directions in the course of a project

130 problem solving--buying a new vacuum problem

132 superintendents ranked problem finding #1 employers ranked it #8  
      Curating data--sorting through massive amounts of data and presenting most relevant parts to others
      Asking questions--uncovering possibilities finding unexpected problems

134  Cialdini the contrast principle--we understand something better when we see it compared with something rather than in isolation--Most essential question--compared to what?

   146   Q1   On a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 meaning low 10 meaning high how ready are you to...
      Q2   Why didn't you pick a lower number?  cialdini commitment and consistency

147  Curator--Curate media
  • seek list sources of info & set aside time to scan sources 15 minutes daily
  • sense  create meaning from what you have  put together--make annotated list of web links, blog
  • share--collect, organize in meaningful way, share
149 Make Just 1 change ask better questions

150 5 Whys to find out what kind of problem someone has, ask why. In response to the answer ask a why question again and again until 5 questions are asked--forces people to really look at reasons for behavior and attitudes

152  1%  it is the essence of what you are exploring--Understand the 1% and be able to explain it to others is the hallmark of strong minds " Ask yourself, 'What is the one percent?' If you can answer and explain it to others they are likely to be moved."

Part Three  What to Do

Chapter 7  Pitch
158  people pitching idea made those catching idea think it was their idea--purpose of the pitch isn't to move others to adopt your idea it is to offer something so compelling that is begins a conversation

159  typical American hears or reads more than 100,000 words/day

160 one word pitch-- when anybody thinks of you they say that word  Obama's 2012 campaign slogan  "Forward"

161 Question pitch --questions can outperform statements in persuading others when underlying arguments are strong

164 rhyming pitch --if it doesn't fit you must acquit

165 Email subject line pitch--1. useful 2. curious

168 twitter pitch--sell in 140 characters
177 Practice pitches
183  three words that come to mind in response to What am/is ____________about?  

191  Listen to others--wait to respond--offers come in all kinds of sizes--shut up and listen for them to arrive
"good improvisers seem telepathic:everything looks prearranged. This is because they accept all offers made,"

193  Instead of "yes, but"  say "yes, and"  

195  win-win

197 Controversial topic--"I'm Curious" 2 people
      each person chooses a side and try to convince the other person of your point of view. The other person must respond, but only with questions. No yes/no questions. If your partner violates rule, ring a bell to announce violation to the class

216 purposeful  We assume human beings motivated by self interest--research shows people do things for "self-transcending" reasons. We should be accessing others innate desire to serve. ---example poor people voting republican

218  5 minutes of reading stories of people inspired--  doubled production--

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Pink, Daniel Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us

Pink, D.H., Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us

autotelic experiences p. 111
asymptote 124 a straight line that a curve approaches but never quite touches


Ariely, Dan, p. 25 Predictibly Irrational
Kohn, Alfie
Frey, Bruno p. 26 behavioral economics
Amabile, Theresa p. 28
Alinsky, Saul  84
Csikszentmihalyi, M, Flow 29
Deci, Edward   29

Results Only Learning Environment (ROLE)
Self determination theory  SDT p. 69


21  open source depends on intrinsic motivation  "enjoyment based intrinsic motivation, namely how creative a person feels when working on the project, is the strongest and most persuasive driver." Lakhani and Wolf

23 for benefit organizations--economically self sustaining and have public purpose-- are "purpose maximizers"  

26  Bruno Frey--"Intrinsic motivation is of great importance for all economic activities.  It is inconceivable that people are motivated solely or even mainly by external incentives."  

27 Algorithmic task--follow instructions to do something one way  30% of new jobs carrots and sticks can work to motivate
    Heuristic task--have to experiment to devise solution  70 % of new jobs--carrots and sticks devastate motivation  Amabile--29 "Intrinsic motivation conducive to creativity; controlling extrinsic motivation is detrimental to creativity."

33 "Best use of money as motivator is to pay people enough to take the issue of money off the table"
     Carrots and sticks--what was always believed to be the best motivation actually reduces motivation

34 Tom Sawyer--make work seem fun or rewards can turn fun into work  
    Love and Logic says don't pay kids to do tasks because it tells them that the task sucks,  it looks as though Deci is saying that you don't tell them that it sucks     by paying them, you just make it suck by paying them.

37 Deci reported 128 experiments show tangible rewards have negative effect on intrinsic motivation--"When institutions families, schools, businesses, and athletic teams focus on short-term and opt for controlling people's behavior," they do considerable long term damage.

39 Incentive pay for teachers in India--higher incentives lead to worse performance

44 rewarded subjects have a harder time seeing periphery and crafting original solutions--intrinsic motivation essential for high levels of creativity if-then situation is stifling

Goal setting
Goals people set for themselves and are devoted to mastering are usually healthy, those imposed by others--standardized test scores, quarterly reports etc have dangerous side effects

intrinsic motivation--the reward is the activity itself deepening learning, doing one's best-- there are no shortcuts

50 Daycare fines increase late pick up

57 Flaws of Carrot and Sticks
1. extinguish intrinsic motivation
2. diminish performance
3. crush creativity
4. crowd out good behavior
5. encourage cheating, shortcuts, unethical behavior.
6. can become addictive
7. fosters short-term thinking

60 When carrot and sticks work
If task is 100% algorithmic if even a little heuristic with some thinking then do not use carrots and sticks
If task not exciting:
tell why task is necessary
acknowledge task is boring
allow people to complete task in their own way

64 Extrinsic Warning Label
****Best approach establish conditions for motivating environment. Baseline rewards must be sufficient. The team's basic compensation must be adequate and fair.  Must have autonomy, opportunity to pursue mastery and daily duties must relate to larger purpose.  provide sense of urgency and significance and then get out of the talent's way. ********

Any extrinsic reward should be unexpected and offered only after the task is complete. Not "if-then" but" now that"

1st non tangible rewards--praise positive feedback
2nd provide useful information--praise about effort and strategy rather than achieving a certain outcome

67 Using rewards flowchart

Chapter 3 Type I and Type X

69 self determination theory  Deci and Ryan  competence, autonomy and relatedness
     Humans have innate desire to be autonomous, self determined and connected

71  Dweck, C   Amabile, Gardner,

75 Type X fueled by extrinsic desires

    Type I  Intrinsic desires   third drive--almost always outperform X--both born and made, behavior renewable, promotes greater physical and mental well being  depends on autonomy, mastery and purpose

Chapter 4 Autonomy

84 Results only Work Environment ROWE  Cali Ressler and Jody Thompson  Saul Alinsky

85 $ a threshold motivator--once reach certain level to take care of family extra money doesn't affect performance

86 management--goal= compliance-- needs control main tool is extrinsic motivator

88 Deci and Ryan  "Autonomous motivation involves behaving with a full sense of volition and choice."

89 Cornell--320 small businesses half top down half autonomy--autonomous grew 4x the rate of controlled and had 1/3 the turnover

92 4 T's of Autonomy  Task, Time, Technique, Team

94  3M  15%
     Google 20%

96 Zero Sum Game-- someone wins so someone else has to lose
111-113 autotelic experiences--the goal is self fulfilling the activity is its own reward  Flow

118 Dweck,
122 Grit
      "Mastery is a pain"  10,000 hours minimum of 10 years

123 Dweck--effort is one of the things that gives meaning to life. effort means you care about something, that something is important to you and you are willing to work for it. It would be an impoverished existence if you were not willing to value thins and commit yourself to working toward them."

127 Flow necessity 48 hours without is similar to psychiatric disorder--oxygen of the soul

Ch 6 Purpose

Part 3  Type I Toolkit
154 Flow Test
Set alarm on phone to go off 40 random times during the week. Each time the alarm goes off write what you are doing, how you feel, whether you are in flow. Record observations, look at patterns, consider questions

Which moments produced feelings of "flow"?  Where were you?  What were you working on? Who were you with?

Are certain times of day more flow friendly than others? How could you restructure your day based on your findings?

How might you increase the number of optimal experiences and reduce the moments when you felt disengaged or distracted?

If you're having doubts about your job or career, what does this exercise tell you about your true source of intrinsic motivation?

155  What's your sentence?
Abraham Lincoln  He preserved the union and freed the slaves.

156 Was I a little better today than yesterday?  

157 To don't list
158 5 Steps closer to mastery
  Deliberate practice has 1 objective--to improve performance
  Repetition matters  Great shooters don't shoot 10 free throws after practice they shoot 500
  seek constant critical feedback
   focus ruthlessly on where you need help
   prepare for the process to be mentally and physically exhausting

159 On 3 x 5 cards answer the question  "What gets you up in the morning?" and "What keeps you up at night" Answer in one sentence. Keep working until you get answers you like.

159-160 create your own motivational poster

Homework questions to consider
  • Am I offering students any autonomy over how and when to do this work?
  • Does this assignment promote mastery by offering a novel, engaging task (as opposed to rote reformulation of something already covered in class)
  • Do my students understand the purpose of this assignment? Can they see how doing this additional activity at home contributes to the larger enterprise in which the class is engaged?
187  FED ED Day
189-190 Praise hard work not smarts

197  Type I Reading list  

208  Business thinkers who get it

218 Summaries---
  • Twitter summary 140 characters
  • Cocktail party summary 100 words
  • Chapter by chapter