Friday, July 24, 2015

Barnes, Mark Role Reversal

Ch 1 Rebelling against traditional methods

p. 12 First day Introduce ROLE..Who loves homework? taking notes from textbook?tests? rules? ordered around?

17 menu unit

Ch 2 tapping into intrinsic motivation

20 intrinsic motivation must be taught
create student websites

22 year long projects

Reading All Year  RAY read 25 books, give book talks, reflections etc.  Set goals, celebrate success, state value of learning activity

Year long project #2--Diary project
Students pick a time period in history, create a fictional person who lives in that time,  research lives, living conditions, and anything else to round out their information. Write a diary from the perspective of the character
mini lessons  about standards of writing
ongoing feedback from students and teacher for editing, revising, developing--2-3 weeks of intense workshop

25 “empower students to take charge of their learning and measure their own success”

Ch 3 letting go of homework and worksheets

36 Worksheet test--
1. does it come from a book that has “workbook” or “lesson” in the title?
2. copied from a textbook
3. look like multiple choice
4. copy info from text to fill spaces
5. ever called activity “worksheet”

If answer to any q is yes then it’s a worksheet

First goal of ROLE create sense of autonomy

35 ROLE strategies--paired analysis, student directed concept checks, small group discussions

37 Mark forget  MAX teaching--collaboration and summarizing to improve learning.

Stephen Krashen wide exposure to books and intense individual reading dramatically increase literacy skills

Intense voluntary, independent reading eliminates need for worksheets and workbooks

Mini-lessons in ROLE--videos, podcasts, screencasts, social media, webtools to learn literary terms--begins with a list of words on classroom website

find definitions using any means they want to

apply what is learned to year-long projects--learning less compartmentalized

Ch 4 Teaching the ROLE way
 43  5 Strategies
1. year long project--subject related and can incorporate mini lessons throughout the year

44 celebrate projects

freedom of choice

coach intrinsic motivation

set long term goals and value production

goals relevant to student needs and desires

Diigo--webtool to show understanding

45 Year long Project guidelines

overview-- to supplement books read for 2500 book challenge,  read articles, blogs, which relate to topics, themes or characters in your books, share content

Your task--each book, find 1 relevant  article.  Annotate--give a brief summary--explain how article relates to the book.

Project Steps
1. find articles related to your book.  Read entire article
2. after find article--copy web address, paste into class forum,
3. read, bookmark and annotate at least 1 article for each book

46 discuss structure
    read all class novel, discuss structure
menu unit for students to show what they know

48 Year long project Menu

Character and setting
  • create post it wall using wellwisher where at least 9 characters interact--dialogue connects characters
  • use glogster, automatoon for poster with 9 characters use drawing or graphic + sentences describing role
  • create character activity

Conflict and theme
  • create 1 or more videos/movies using youtube, animoto, xtranormal to clearly show conflicts and resolution + key lessons in 3 books videos information should be combo of pictures, video, text
  • series of 3 or more podcasts to show conflicts, resolution, key lessons--podcasts can be character interviews, additional chapters, or some other important thing
  • review book--tell about conflicts, resolution, key life lessons

You and your books
  • Using fav. web tool, musical instrument, poster etc. create something not related to book structure but connects to any book you have read or are reading this qtr. Why is the book important, why will you remember it forever.  be creative
    • song  ujam or other mixing tool
    • add achapter
    • poem
    • 1 act play
    • monologue from characters pt of view
    • interview an author
    • own idea
All year long projects perfect for sub teacher

49 Strategy 2--Talk Less
50 common core state standards mastered during year long project

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