Monday, July 20, 2015

Heath, Chip & Dan, Made to stick

Heath, Chip and Dan, Made to stick


Klein, Gary Sources of Power--The power of stories



13--how effective ideas are constructed what makes some ideas stick and others disappear

16 6 principals--1. simplicity--proverbs, simple and profound
                         2. unexpectedness counterintuitive--engage curiousity
                         3. concreteness--concrete images--only way to make sure clear to everyone
                        4. credibility--
                          5. emotions--
                         6. stories--mentally rehearsing increases performance in real life
Villain--”Curse of knowledge” once we know something it is hard to remember what is was like not to know
To defeat curse of Knowledge--transform ideas--tapping and listening to song

ch 1 Simple

27  When people know what the intent is they begin generating their own solutions

       Commanders intent:  “If we do nothing else during tomorrow’s mission, we must _____________”

Simple= finding the core of the idea

28 Southwest Airlines--”We are THE low-fare airline” every decision is made with that in mind

30 Ideas not simple because of dumbing down but following “commander’s intent” --elegance and prioritization

30 Bury the lead--inverted pyramid

33-James carville--”if you say 3 things you don’t say anything”

38-41 Sun exposure clinic

42  Names, names names--newspaper includes all local coverage

45 Simple = core + compace

50 simple= defined more by what it is not than what it is

52 make ideas profound and compact--tap into the existing memory of audience
             can create complexity from simplicity  Pomelo schema--grapefruit

56 attaching schema more important than absolute accuracy

57 accurate but useless idea still useless

57 people tempted to tell you everything, with perfect accuracy instead of giving just enough info to be useful...then a little more and a little more

58 avoid useless accuracy avoid curse of knowledge--make an analogy

60 Generative analogies
     Disney-- not employees--cast members
                    while working they are on stage
                     not customers--guests
                     jobs are called performances--uniforms are costumes

simon sinek  TED talk  ”people don’t buy what you do they buy why you do it”

61  generative metaphors and proverbs substitute something easy for something difficult

Ch 2 Unexpected

45 How do I get people’s attention?  How do I keep it?

surprise gets attention

interest keeps it
71 Break guessing machine then fix it--target part of audience’s guessing machine that relates to core message

72 process for making ideas stickier--1. identify central message find the core--2. counterintuitive--”what are unexpected implications of core message?” 3 communicate message to break guessing machine then fix it

common sense opposite of sticky--no change in guessing machine

76 not enough to regurgitate facts--figure out the point  Understand what it means and why it matters

80  cialdini-- “huh” then “aha”  create mystery at start of class return to it during class and reveal at end of class

83 Robert McKee--curiosity--intellectual need to answer questions and close open patterns  Story plays to universal desire by doing the opposite, asking questions and opening situations

each scene in movie is turning point--turning points hook curiosity--make people wonder “what will happen next?  How will it turn out?

85 trick to convincing people they need your message--highlight some knowledge audience is missing.Pose question that reveals gap in knowledge--let them know others know what they don’t--example news teaser ad before new starts

88 change from thinking “What information do I need to convey” to “what questions do I want my audience to ask?”

people typically think they know more than they do-- if people think they know everything--hard to make gap theory work--must cause schema to fail

89  the more information we know the more likely we are to focus on what we don’t know

91--college football--roone arledge  What if people have no knowledge?  Fill with enough information to make abyss into gap

92 access prior knowledge (APK)  begin by highlighting what is already known--knowledge gaps create interest
93 sequence information--reveal a clue at a time rather than dumping whole thing on them

Ch 3 Concrete

104 Concrete language helps novices understand new concepts.  Abstraction luxury of expert--concreteness is the only safe language

106 Concreteness helps understanding--create higher more abstract thoughts built on existing knowledge --trying to teach abstract principle without concrete foundation like building house starting with the roof

107 accounting case study--fictitious Kris and Sandy Safe NIght Out product--form company all accounting class concepts taught through that story-- connected math---plant unit--teaching 7th grade ss through guns germs steel--leads to higher occurrence of recall even years later

110 Memory like velcro--more hooks it has easier it is to stick

113 difference between expert and novice--ablility to think abstractly --bio students think of whether reptiles lay eggs--bio teachers think of animal taxonomy

Novices see concrete details as concrete details--experts see concrete details as patterns and insights from years of experience--Curse of Knowledge

115 Concreteness creates universal language

119 White things test  part 1  15 seconds name as many white things as possible part 2  15 seconds name as many white things in fridge as possible --usually come up with about the same #---fridge more concrete
122 leather portfolio symbol for laptop computer--concrete object the size of laptop

129  concreteness easiest trait to do and most effective

being concrete isn’t hard--doesn’t need a lot of effort--problem is slip into abstract--curse of knowledge

Ch 4 Credible

Credibillity--experts or celebrities

137 honesty and trustworthiness more important than status

139 vivid details boost credibility

142 bb’s dropped in metal bucket = nuclear weapons

143 statistics should be used to illustrate a relationship

Human Scale principle
145--soccer analogy  compares employees beliefs about their workplace with the 11 members of a soccer team

146 statistics arent inherently helpful--scale and context make them helpful

stats good source of internal credibility

147 use stats to make up your mind--don’t make up mind and use stats for support

150 when using stats--the less rely on the numbers use them to illustrate underlying relationship--bb’s in bucket or comparing deaths caused by shark  to deer

Sinatra Test
151--if you can make it there you can make it anywhere--your ability to do a job for something well known makes you eligible for any job. Going to meet with google guy?  

Ch 5   emotional

167 thinking about stats shifts people into analytical frame of mind and are less responsive to emotions

168  for people to take action they have to care

171 How do we make people care about our idea?

173 make a connection between something they don’t yet care about and something they already care about

179 spell out the benefit of the benefit--WHIFFY--”what’s in it for you”  In class--”why do we have to learn this?”

180 if you have self interest on your side--don’t bury it and don’t talk around it

183 Maslow  self interest most found in --physical (hunger, thirst warmth) , security (protection and safety) and esteem ( achieve, be competent, gain approval) levels

190 James March--decision making models 1-calculate consequences--assess value and choose the one which has the most value  2--make decision based on identity--
Ask 3 questions--1. Who am I?  2. What kind of situation is this?  3. What do people like me do in this situation?

192  Algebra--why do we need it? When will we use it?  develop reasoning skills to help you be a better parent, employee etc.

193  Algebra and weight training--bench press to help you do everything physical better, not because someone will knock you down and make you bench press on the street.

201--ask at least 3 why’s to overcome the curse of knowledge

ch 6 stories

206 the right stories make people act

208 Why is story more interesting?  allows people to play along--Can mentally test out what would they have done?

209 we create a kind of geographic simulation of stories we hear

210 thinking of how, where , when why problem started more effective than thinking of how will feel after problem is resolved

213 sitting quietly picturing yourself performing a task successfully from start to finish improves performance significantly--the right kind of story is a simulation


247 Symptoms and solutions--problems encountered when trying to get and keep someone’s attention.

253 summary
1.Simple--find the core, share the core
2. unexpected--get attention, surpise, hold attention interest
3. concrete help people understand and remember, help people coordinate
4. Help people believe  External credibility, internal credibility
5. emotional  make people care, use the power of association, appeal to self interest, appeal to identity
6. stories-get people to act, stories as simulation (tell people how to act) stories as inspiration

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